3A 2018
International Scientific Conference
„Accounting, Audit, Analysis: Science and Studies Retrospective and Perspective“
dedicated to mark 100th anniversary of Independency of Lithuania
February 8-9, 2018
The purpose of the conference is to evaluate the evolution of accounting, audit and analysis science and
studies, and estimate their development prospects.
Topics of the Conference
I. The development of accounting science and studies
- The state and trends of development of financial and tax accounting;
- The role of accounting in context of globalization, new types and forms;
- The development of management accounting, new approaches and prospects;
- The evolution of accounting studies.
II. The development of audit science and studies
- The types of audit, their development and application;
- The development of internal audit, new approaches and prospects;
- The development of internal control system, new approaches and prospects;
- The evolution of ethical principles, their application in audit profession;
- The state and trends of audit studies.
III. The development of financial analysis science and studies
- The development of the role of financial analysis;
- Methods of financial analysis, their development and application;
- The usage of financial analysis data in the process of management;
- The assessment of business performance and prospects.